At Working Smarter, we can help with…

Curiosity, creativity and commitment

Curiosity, creativity and commitment

Organisational culture initiatives

At Working Smarter, we help organisations improve their organisational culture. We work closely with our clients to understand their challenges through careful and thoughtful engagement and analysis and collaborate closely in designing solutions. We believe that no two organisations are the same and the best results can be achieved through developing tailored and unique responses. We can:

  • Conduct reviews to identify any underlying, systemic cultural issues;

  • Provide advice on appropriate interventions;

  • Provide training and workshops on improving culture;

  • Develop strategies and frameworks (see below); and/or

  • Manage change and transformation within your organisation.

Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives

At Working Smarter, we engage with organisations and communities to develop bespoke, innovative solutions to increase diversity, inclusion and belonging. We apply our deep and rich experience in diversity and inclusion, and our skills and expertise in stakeholder engagement to develop responses which will work for you. We can:

  • Engage stakeholders and apply design thinking to develop solutions

  • Design tailored and effectives frameworks and initiatives

  • Develop evaluation frameworks to measure success of the initiatives we develop

  • Provide training and workshops on diversity and inclusion

Respectful behaviour initiatives

At Working Smarter, we apply our many years of people management and expertise in workplace relations and organisational culture to develop effective initiatives for promoting and ensuring appropriate, respectful behaviours at work. We recognise that your people will be most effective if they are respected, valued and safe at work and can collaborate closely with you on a range of initiatives to further this aim. We can:

  • Design frameworks for preventing and effectively responding to corrosive workplace behaviours, including sexual harassment

  • Develop mechanisms for promoting and embedding respectful workplace behaviours

  • Provide training and workshops on respectful workplace behaviours

  • Develop conflict competence in managers and other key personnel to empower them to resolve issues early and effectively

  • Engage in conflict coaching, facilitated discussions and mediations to assist with resolving interpersonal conflict and improving working relationships

Developing strategy, frameworks and policies

“Prevention is better than cure “.

At Working Smarter, we help organisations develop leading practice approaches to minimizing conflict, creating respectful and inclusive workplaces and designing effective processes for resolution which focus on early intervention and sustainable outcomes. This may include strategies, frameworks and policies focused on:

  • Diversity and inclusion

  • Respectful workplace behaviours

  • Ethical workplace culture

  • Employee wellbeing

  • Employee performance and capability

  • Professional conduct

Managing challenging behaviour

We understand that sometimes organisations are faced with challenging behaviour within the workforce. We provide independent and expert coaching and advice on how to manage that behaviour and move beyond it.

We can help your managers develop their competence in dealing with challenging behaviour and provide training to your people on how to be respectful, considerate and productive co-workers.